Volunteers stayed safe amidst the coronavirus pandemic to monitor Bald Eagle nests across the state.
This season, staff banded and released eight eaglets from five counties. Six of the fledgling eagles came from natural nests and two came from nests on artificial structures. Since inception in 2017, the study has banded and released 48 juvenile eagles.
Audubon Center for Birds of Prey was able to reunite an eagle family today. This adult male Bald Eagle was rescued on February 21 near his nest in Winter Haven.
Written by Harry Sayer: Black Tie Reporter, Orange Observer. The raptor rehabilitation center celebrated 40 years with a feathered fundraiser on Sunday, Feb. 24. The”Wind Beneath Our Wings” fundraiser had over 180 Audubon members and patrons mingling at the Harry P. Leu Gardens.
Produced by Bill Shafer from Growing Bolder. Some people seem know exactly what they want to do in life from the moment that they are born. If you’re not one of them, you’re far from alone.
This summer, Audubon Center for Birds of Prey released its 600th rehabilitated Bald Eagle back into the Florida skies with the help of long-time Audubon supporters Dick and Mimi Ford. Audubon rescued the eagle in March after injuries likely sustained from a territory fight with another eagle.