Volunteering is a rewarding experience. Audubon volunteers play an important role in sharing our mission for conservation in Florida. We invite you to be part of our team. Our volunteers are a vital part of program operations for community science research, clinical and rehabilitation programs, environmental education and day-to-day operations. Each year over 70 volunteers contribute more than 13,000 hours of their time and talents to Audubon Center for Birds of Prey and are essential to our continued success.
At Audubon Center for Birds of Prey, we are flexible. We strive to find the best fit for each individual based on their interests and skills. The volunteer program is diverse, with a variety of service positions and training including but not limited to greeters, feeders, docents and interns. For a full list of our volunteer postions visit our Volunteer Positions page. Audubon Center for Birds of Prey sometimes offers specific opportunities for college or high school students needing to complete service learning hours, please inquire with our volunteer department at Beth.lott@audubon.org . Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate volunteer requests for individuals needing to fulfill court-ordered community service hours.
To apply for a volunteer position, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at Beth.lott@audubon.org or call the Center at 407-644-0190.
Group Volunteer Events:
The Center offers four group volunteer events annually (March, June, August and November). Group events host 10-20 individuals for half a day of volunteering. These events are for larger projects, most involve being outdoors. We greatly appreciate volunteer teams who donate their workday to Audubon! If your organization or business is interested in donating a day of service, please download and fill out the form below, and email it to AudubonCBOP@audubon.org.
We offer unique and comprehensive internships for those looking into getting into the animal field. Click here for more information.
Current Volunteers, enter Volgistics here.
Plan Your Visit
No visit to the Orlando area is complete without a stop at our amazing Center.
Adopt your favorite Raptor species for yourself or as a gift. An adoption supports the over 700 patients admitted each year.
How you can help, right now
Support the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey
Your donation helps to protect America's birds, wildlife, and habitats. Donate critical funding needed to support our important rehabilitation and education work.
Connect with the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey
Sign up for our monthly newsletter and stay up to date with what's happening at the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey.
Become a Water Steward
Engage the public in water and energy conservation using simple steps to save water inside the home, outside the home and in your community.