How to Help a Sick or Injured Raptor
To find help for a sick or injured wild bird or animal in Florida check out these sites or contact your local veterinarian or county animal services. Also see the "I Found a Baby Bird" pdf attachement below in the download section.
Raptors can be very dangerous, even sick, injured and/or young birds. Beware of their sharp talons and beaks.
• Find a box slightly larger than the bird, poke air holes in the box, place the box over the bird, slide something flat under the box in order to contain the bird.
• Raptors tend to calm down when they are in a dark, warm (room temperature) container with air holes. Do not attempt to give the bird food or water, transport it to a wildlife rehabilitator.
• Take note of the location where the bird was found, especially baby birds that can be returned to their families once they are well.
• If in Central Florida area please contact the Center at 407-644-0190

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