Meet The Board
The Center for Birds of Prey formed a Sustainability Board in 2011. Today this Advisory board helps navigate and consult on Center priorities and initiatives. This includes fundraising activities, capital campaigns, site design and marketing. This board is committed to helping Audubon Center for Birds of Prey remain a relevant and important resource in Central Florida and attract donors and supporters to Audubon.
Bill Randolph, JCR Consulting
Alexis Preisser, Mitigation Marketing, Inc.
Jason Tschanz, Walt Disney World Co.
Mary Sue Weinaug, Wekiva Island, Keep Seminole Beautiful
Theresa Vitale, Caribou Coffee
Plan Your Visit
No visit to the Orlando area is complete without a stop at our amazing Center.
Adopt your favorite Raptor species for yourself or as a gift. An adoption supports the over 700 patients admitted each year.
How you can help, right now
Support the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey
Your donation helps to protect America's birds, wildlife, and habitats. Donate critical funding needed to support our important rehabilitation and education work.
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Become a Water Steward
Engage the public in water and energy conservation using simple steps to save water inside the home, outside the home and in your community.