
EagleWatch Volunteer Shares Joy of Nest Monitoring with Assisted Living Residents

EagleWatch Volunteer Shares Joy of Nest Monitoring with Assisted Living Residents

— Heather Centanni combines her passion for Bald Eagle nest monitoring with her job as a life enrichment director at an assisted living community.
Two Banded Bald Eagles Return to the Wild

Two Banded Bald Eagles Return to the Wild

— Since 2017, Audubon has run an Auxiliary Banding Study to determine if the type of nest a chick hatches in influences the type of nest it chooses as a breeding adult. Rescued juvenile eagles rehabilitated at the Center receive a colored auxiliary leg band before release.
2023-24 Bald Eagle Nesting Season: Notes from the Field

2023-24 Bald Eagle Nesting Season: Notes from the Field

— A mid-season update from the EagleWatch team.